Ep 154: Diets and the Bathroom
Kicking off another new year, we look at another popular resolution and the effects it may have on your time in the bathroom.
Ep 153: Elf Unions and Unfair Work Conditions w/ Dingle the Elf (Privychat 37)
Dingle the Elf interrupts Hunter's Holiday Snacks list to bring his concerns about unfair work conditions at the North Pole. As a result, he and Hunter discuss next steps, unionizing, and how Dingle can overcome his circumstances.
Ep 152: Poo Slinging Christmas Goblins
As we dive further into Privy Christmas, we visit the region of Greece to learn about one of their mythological holiday creatures.
Ep 151: Mr Hankey 4 Calling Turds Haliday Watchalong Extravaganza
To kick of Privy Christmas, we take a trip back to South Park for the next episode featuring everyone favorite holidy turd, Mr Hankey. Things aren't great in Hankey household, and the boys need to save South Park, so what better way to enjoy than watching the episode along with us!