Hunter Hoover Hunter Hoover

Ep 142: Urology Awareness Month

The study of urology has a strange history, seemingly directly connected with running a camera up the urethra. This and more in observance of Urology Awareness Month!

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Hunter Hoover Hunter Hoover

Ep 2: Toilet Paper

These rolls of perforated sheets make bathroom time a much more peaceful, less anxiety-inducing experience. But what did folks use before toilet paper? Also, how did we get from the rugged methods of wiping to the prepackaged, perforated sheets we know today.

This is an introductory look at Toilet Paper.

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Hunter Hoover Hunter Hoover

Ep 1: Ancient Roman Public Bathrooms

Ancient Roman Public Restrooms are a far cry from the restrooms we enjoy today. From wait times, unfavorable wiping instruments, and rats, going to the bathroom at one of these public Roman toilets was a tough way to go.

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